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Interview: Painter Lisa Doubleyou on Art & Death

Lisa Doubleyou | Painter | Stated Magazine Interview

Lisa Doubleyou on Stated


When you look at the work of Lisa Doubleyou, and hear her words, you’ll feel her sadness and fear. But when you look at her, and see her smile, you’ll know that her art is an outlet bringing her joy. In her words, “Art is my release.” And although this is true of many artists, Lisa’s elegiacal paintings hold such earnestness that it fills the viewer with anticipation of a time when the balance of her arrested talents are surrendered to us. We think there is much more to come from Lisa Doubleyou.

stated: Please describe your work.

LISA DOUBLEYOU: I channel my emotions into my work, honoring those I’ve lost by carrying on. This is the only thing that’s worked so far. I’m feeling better.

stated: Would you be willing to elaborate on this? Who have you lost and how has your aesthetic, mediums, words or color palette changed as a result?

LISA DOUBLEYOU: In April 2009, my nan died in the street of sudden death. Together with my mother, I identified her body and it was at this point I faced my fear. 

I’ve always had a fear of death and the unknown, so much so, in fact, that at one point it was all I could think about—this is where my fascination of shapes began and I figured that ‘circles mean forever because circles never end.’

Lisa Doubleyou on Stated

stated: When did you begin painting?

LISA DOUBLEYOU: When I first started painting it was to distract my mind—I’d been suffering from severe depression for nearly 7 years until I got medical help. Art is my release.

When I paint it’s for a reason, I cannot paint when asked to.

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stated: Where do you work? Do you have a studio?

LISA DOUBLEYOU: When I lived with my mother, I’d paint in the shed which I converted into my studio. In the winter and at night, because I didn’t have any source of light in there, much to my mom’s annoyance, I’d paint in my bedroom and at times actually IN my bed.

There would be paint everywhere—on my floor (thankfully it was wooden), walls and bed covers. 

Lisa Doubleyou on Stated

stated: And currently you have your own space to create?

LISA DOUBLEYOU: Now I live away. I have a studio full of used canvas which I keep painting/sketching and melting wax on, creating layers and layers of artistic frustration. 

Lisa Doubleyou on Stated



Tattoo artist Virginia Elwood asked Lisa about her work…

VIRGINIA: Your work is so varied with different media and styles…all engaging. From where do you draw your inspiration?”

LISA: All artists inspire me. Ironically, all my ‘favourite’ artists are dead. I like reading about an artist’s life and what’s going on inside their head.

I hate the past, good or bad. All memories make me sad, sad because the good times have been and gone and sad because the bad were, well, bad. It’s just the way my mind works.



Lisa asked Grace Helbig, another featured stated artist and vlogger…

LISA: What’s your favourite shape and why?

Read Grace’s reply next…


Visit Lisa at:

Lisa Doubleyou on Stated

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